Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Podcast #2 8-21-12

Okay, here's my 2nd Podcast that I just got through making. Please forgive any silence there is during them because I'm doing this on sudden thoughts that I want to talk about and it's not like I have notes or anything to go by lol

Here's the link if you want to check out Podcast #2

Jeremy's Podcast #2 8-21-12

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Current Thoughts

Sometimes we are forced to make decisions that is the right thing to do, even if we don't really want to make those decisions.

Sometimes we have to be selfish because life isn't always about pleasing others, it's about doing what makes you happy.

Sometimes we have to leave a certain person's life so they can be happier than they are with you in it.

Sometimes you mean more to a person than you will ever know, and somehow it doesn't matter.

Sometimes bridges are burned and can never be repaired but a new bridge can be built in place of the old one.

Sometimes we have to move on from the past, forgive those who have wronged us, and forget all the things that cause us pain(even if at one time they were what made us the most happy).

Sometimes you have to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and realize that in order for you to have a life you can't let others control what you do or don't do nor let them influence what you do or don't do.

Sometimes we say things and they don't come out right or they are misunderstood, and it's hard to explain exactly what you meant because in your mind everything makes sense but when you try to bring out the actual words it just comes out totally wrong.

Sometimes we have to realize that in order to make it through an extremely difficult time, we have to allow others to help because there are some things that we just aren't meant to go through alone.

Sometimes we trick ourselves into thinking a certain thing can happen and life would be much better after it happens, the only thing is -will- it happen. The only reason I say -will- it happen is b/c of there being so many factors in whether or not things happen. For instance, certain things won't happen if you're not around -for- them to happen.

Podcast #1

Okay people I've been saying it for a while now that I was going to start doing my own podcasts so I decided to finally start doing that tonight. I have completed Podcast #1 and will have a link to it below if you are interested in listening to it and I do urge you to comment on it after listening with thoughts/suggestions on each one.

I will be posting them frequently but at this moment I'm not really sure how often, I guess it just depends on what all is on my mind and that I would like to talk about. If you do check them out then I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart because it means a lot to me.

Jeremy's Podcast #1

Friday, August 14, 2009

the inside thoughts of my mind's mind

I guess now days you can say that I'm depressed. I go to work, come home, watch a little bit of tv and go to sleep. I sleep as late as possible, take a shower, get dressed, and repeat. On my off days I don't do much of anything except stay around the house.

My car "breaking down" screwed up everything man. I had it all planned out. I was gonna start college this semester and have all my medical bills paid off. Well I just BARELY got one of them paid off before it broke down. Now I'm driving my grandma's GMC Jimmy which sucks more gas than our last president sucks monkey balls.

I spend on average $140 a week which don't give me much to save up. I have to buy gas which costs at least $40 and have to buy lunch for me at work and supper for me and my dad. I honestly think I should move in with my sister that way I can actually save up money. I don't really like staying in Eight Mile b/c everybody that I know is in either Chickasaw, Saraland, Satsuma, Creola, or Axis. My job is in Saraland and my dad's job is in Chickasaw but yet he's still determined to stay in Eight Mile WTH!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Inevitable Conclusion Of DG

I have been toying with my conclusion with DG and when it should happen. It seems like I just can't get away from it. Whenever I quit I went 5 months without getting hired and I had to get hired back on just to have a job. I'm seriously thinking about starting to look for another job. I like working with Brooke but I just can't deal with the stress anymore. It didn't used to be stressful when I started back but it's getting worse and worse.

Now days it's not only when I'm on the register. Every time I get on the register my line gets packed full even if there's another person on the other register and most of the time I run out of change(ones, fives, all coins) and can't go get any. Some customers just make me wanna smack them upside their head with their smart attitudes and stupid remarks. It just seems like every time I try to get away I can't and it's making me depressed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Corrupt Conformity of Today's Society Among Other Stuff

Have you ever thought what your life would be if you lived a different life? Like for instance, if you weren’t nice to everybody, would your life be any different? Because I don’t think that it would. I mean think about it. Bad things happen to great people. So does it really matter of your good or bad?

Another thing, do you think that there’s a set date that you’re gonna leave this Earth? I mean people say that God’s got a plan for you and that when he wants you to come home that you’re gonna go. Well I don’t believe that because I think the devil intervenes and takes someone’s life before they were supposed to go. Also I don’t really believe that there is a set plan for your life.

Have you ever wondered if you’ve made an impact on people’s life that you’ve come across? Like if you would have been closer to a friend would they have turned out like they have or would they be different? Like if you would have gotten to know someone that you never took the chance to, would they have turned out the same? If you took an hour to just sit down and get to know someone, it could make a complete difference. Whatever you do, don’t judge someone on their past. Just listen to what they have to say and know that what they’re telling you made them who they are today.

I mean, who are we to judge people when we don’t want them to judge us? We say we don’t care if people judge us. If nobody judged anybody the world would be a completely different place. We are not the one’s that are allowed to judge each other cause in the end we all get judged by God for the life we lived on Earth.

Does the truth really set us free; even if it hurts people we care about? Wouldn’t it be better to just keep the truth inside? If the truth hurts worse than the lies, what makes truth the right path to take? I’m starting to think that keeping the truth is for the best sometimes. If setting the truth free hurts the people we care about then we’re more horrible of a creation than we think. The choices we make in life and the situations we’re in make us lie whether it’s for the best or not.

I’ve done my share of hurting people I care about by telling the truth. So if telling the truth is not the best path what is? Forgetting the truth in its entirety? Guilt can drive us crazy but is it better than the repercussions of telling the truth? Because the main reason we don’t tell the truth is that we fear the consequences of telling the truth. I’ve been questioning a lot of things here lately.

I believe in God and I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but I don’t believe other stuff about the bible. Like I said before, I don’t believe in one set path for our life. If there was a set path then God would know who’s coming to heaven and who’s going to hell. So what is the point in our existence if He knows how it will all play out? If we can not choose our own path in life then He is crueler than everybody thinks. If He put us on this Earth just to see us live our life like he has written then he’s not perfect like people think either.

I’ve decided that for now I’m giving up on girls in Mobile. All the girls that I like are either taken already or only think of me as a friend (which sucks btw). Until a girl comes along that proves me different, I’m giving up. I’m just gonna live my life and aim to better myself. One of my cousins once told me that I shouldn’t worry about girls right now because I’m too young and that I should be talking to 5 girls and be screwing 3 of them. I’m sorry but that’s against my morals but I do like the idea of not worrying about girls right now.

I’m the type of guy that only wants to be with one girl and when I’m in a relationship with that girl that I don’t flirt with any other girl because I wouldn’t want the girl that I’m with to flirt with any other guys. I’m the type of guy that loves to hang out with my g/f but I also enjoy my space. I’m the type of guy that knows that in order to be in a relationship with someone that you have to take all their baggage: all their mistakes, their past, their flaws, everything. I’m the type of guy that likes to bring stuff to the girl I’m with. I guess I’m just too nice huh? That’s always been my biggest flaw and always will be………